Monday, April 22, 2013

Edwin Peabody
A quick coverage of our latest show
It’s getting toward the end of the semester but I am really happy with the progress that Backyard Radio has made. Myself, Steven and Jeff have continued to improve in all areas of our show. A few shows back we tried out a new style for our show, while preparing for our newscast. We attempted to deliver our show as such, instead of our normal laid-back sports talk. I was really proud of myself and my co host Steven and Jeff for stepping outside of our comfort zones and doing a different style of radio, to which we normally do not do. Jumping on air and attempting to deliver the news with out any practice or experience was very challenging and created a slight amount of extra pressure on us. Attempting the different style during our show was definitely a great experience for all of us.
Topics to look forward to in our next show.
As we all know, the Golden State Warriors entering the playoffs is a tremendous accomplishment for the bay area. In our next show, you can look forward to some great talk about the upcoming games against the Denver nuggets. As of right now, the Denver Nuggets lead the Warriors 1-0 but there is still a lot of basketball to play. Also, unfortunately, the warriors have suffered a tragic lost to their team, losing David Lee for the rest of the season due to injury, so you can look forward to great criticism and Opinions from Steven, Jeff and I on how David Lee absence will hurt the warrior during the paly offs. Also the LA Lakers have lost their best player Kobe Bryant to which is really bad news for the Lakers. Steven, Jeff and I will be discussing these topics and how they will play out in the long run. Make sure to tune in on Friday night from 9-10pm at KSFS! YOU WONT REGRET IT!

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